Wednesday, January 14, 2009

There's a first for everything

Hi all!
My name is Jessica, and while my profile mentions that I am a student at the University of Waterloo studying chemistry and religion, this blog will be all about my participation in an international service-learning program called Beyond Borders through St. Jerome's University. This is a 3-part program aiming to put students' learning into action on an international level. Volunteer placements in developing countries such as Botswana, Nicaragua, and Bosnia-Herzegovina have been arranged for this year's participants--as for myself, I will be landing in Ternopil, Ukraine working in an orphanage with girls who have disabilities (along with a fellow participant- Jen!).

This placement, however, is only one part of the program. Other requirements include attending seminars provided by our international partners, Intercordia, enrolling in two courses through St. Jerome's (the first of which is more theory based, the second providing practical opportunities to put our education to use in our own neighbourhood), and attending a re-integration workshop after returning from our host-country.

As part of the required courses, each participant must prepare a blog of their participation in the program; experiences they acquire throughout various encounters; thoughts and opinions of the theory covered; sentiments while anticipating our departure and anything else we'd like to share.

So here I am, exposing my amateur blogging skills with you in the hopes that my sharing can provide personal exhalation of emotions, while reaching out to anyone who wants to listen. I cannot promise eternal optimism throughout my discussion, nor discovery of transforming revelations, but I can promise sincerity in my disclosure.

Please feel free to comment and provide input as you like. If you have any questions about the program or anything you feel I could assist you in acquainting yourself with, don't hesitate to ask. And without further ado...welcome to my blog.

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