Thursday, July 23, 2009

Moments to Remember

1: The other day a girl at the internat named Nadya was wearing a cute pink sure with a puppy on the front. The puppy was holding a leash in its mouth...and the caption on the shirt read, "Please take me home." The irony that Nadya is an orphan girl who could thrive in a home to call her own really struck me.

2: Another elder girl at the internat, Natalia, often sits on her own. She is quiet and shy, but sweet none-the-less. Whether people are around, or on her own, Natalia can be heard saying "Ya Mama hochu, hochu," which literally translates to "I Mama want, want." She may not say much, but this speaks volumes to me.

3. Today I was busy braiding the girls' hair. Because I was so distracted with hair, Hanna could have easily passed by without being noticed, but instead she called out my name, waved hello (not the finger!) and continued on her way. It literally made my day.
(p.s. if you have not read my previous post on Hanna, this will seem out of context)

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